Bob Brighton

Brighton, England 1936

BOB BRIGHTON has described himself as a colourist. Brighton's quarry is an evolving understanding that all aspects of life can be expressed in terms of colour and that understanding the laws of colour is a pathway to understanding all things. The art and the man are practically indivisible. Where the paintings stop and the man and his life start is blurry at best. His life and his work are the same thing. There is no extensive cv to exhibit here - he has had only eleven solo exhibitions (four of them in Australia) since 1983 and is now sixty-seven years of age. Critical acclaim and acceptance in the UK art world (he lives and works in Brighton, England) have so far largely eluded him. He has never been insecure about this fact as he is well aware of his own worth and ultimate contribution.

BRIGHTON started out looking for something simple in his life and art but somewhere along the way the project has become bigger than the paintings. In his own words; "the enterprise is bigger than the path - I am saying something new". He is unconcerned about money and lives simply in a council flat which doubles as his studio. That is not to say that he is unconcerned about value and understands that the monetary value put on a work of his art reflects how they are perceived. However, what artist would donate the proceeds from this exhibition to the heart unit where he was treated some years ago?

His central concern at the this stage of his life is what to call his living work of art, a permanent exhibition of his past work which has been donated by himself or purchased by donors to institutions like hospitals, town halls, regional galleries and the like for contemporary and future generations to learn from and enjoy.