Paintings - Drawings - Prints

Quotes by Miró:

'In front of these canvases you should feel as though you are in a temple where nothin will distract you from the object of your meditation.'

'My work is intended as a poem translated into music by a painter'

'Even a few casual wipes of my brush in cleaning it may suggest the beginning of a picture'

Excerpt from the exhibition catalogue:

There is a kind of camaraderie or sense of shared emotions amongst viewers of Miró's work. Miró said, 'When the viewer recognises himelf in one of my figures, he does not think about what separates him from other men, he thinks about what unites him with everyone else, whether black or white, from the north or south, from Africa or China'.

Miró's Catalan nature gave him a deep sense of egaliterianism. We are all a sea of conflicting emotions and contradictions, but the difference with Miró is that he embraces, rather than merely controls, these impluses in both his life and art and whn looking at his work he somehow gives us permission - liberates us - to do the same.

Miró looks for and shows us the noise hidden in silence, the movement in immobility, the life in inanimate things, the forms in the void and ourselves in his work.


Paintings - Drawings - Prints
works on paper
August 1999

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