Fiona Currey-Billyard
Dark Crossings


Fiona Currey-Billyard
Dark Crossings
Fiona Currey-Billyard makes her official debut at Annandale Galleries with DARK CROSSINGS. Channelling nature and personal memory, she takes the viewer on an intimate journey through abstracted oceans of Australia and Papua New Guinea. Currey-Billyard uses various carbons, paints and shellacs to produce nuanced surfaces and evocative textures, often on stretched linen of a monumental scale. Simultaneously, they are embedded with nails and staples that act as markings for both ocean currents and layered memories of her past, particularly those shared with her father.  The punctured surfaces act as a way to communicate the kindness and cruelty of time on the body and our recollections. This unique act of mapping anchors itself to specific moments, people and places, but contains a comforting universality that arrests you, draws you in, enveloped by an indescribable force.
26 July - 26 August 2023
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